Adtech Followup

As a followup to my post the other day on Adtech Progress, here’s some commentary from the EFF on the Google and Apple announcements. The TL;DR is that although the EFF welcomes both initiatives, they regret that Google, unlike Apple, has chosen not to do anything about tracking.

As I mentioned in my original post, the next version of Safari will have built-in antitracking technology. Chrome, on the other hand, will block the most annoying types of ads but will do nothing about tracking. That’s understandable, I guess, considering that Google’s business is based on Internet advertising but it should give one pause. If you live in the Apple ecosystem, this is a good reason to prefer Safari even if you otherwise like Chrome’s features. If you don’t want to do that, you should at least look into a plugin like Ghostery unless you don’t care about tracking.

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