Listing Org Tags

Chris over at the cpb83 blog solves a problem that many of us probably have. If you’re an Org mode user, you probably make use of the agenda and organize your data with tags. The problem is that if your agenda tracks several Org files, like mine does, and you use tags liberally, you’ll likely forget which tags you have. Was that tag “grocery” or “groceries?”

Swiper and similar utilities help with this a bit but, in the case of swiper, only the first tag for an entry. Chris shows us a bit of Elisp that goes through your agenda files and compiles a sorted list of all the tags in use. That’s a useful thing to have by itself but the code also demonstrates how to search Org files. Org has several functions, such as org-map-entries, that make the searching easier. Chris’ code shows how to do that and can serve as a template to search for something besides tags if you need to.

UPDATE [2017-04-26 Wed 09:19]: The cpb83 blog has been taken down but you can find Chris’ post and the code here.

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