
We have it pretty good these days. Not very long ago cables were everywhere and they were always breaking and otherwise causing problems. These days we are relatively cable-free. We still have power cables, of course, and cables for a few older peripherals but mostly cables have been replaced by WiFi and Bluetooth. Apple is even trying to get us to give up the cables to our earphones.

Still, it seems we still carry cables around even if they’re mostly power cables. Yesterday, a series of articles on workshifting popped up in my feed. Two of these deal with techniques for managing cables. One talks about managing your cables at home. The other talks about dealing with cables when you travel. Both articles are short and well worth reading if only to see how others have solved these problems.

The articles both appear on the Workshifting blog. This is a very nice resource for those of us who work from home or on the road. Sadly, it hasn’t been very active lately but it’s worth taking a look at its archives. The scarce posting is a result, I presume, of workshifting going mainstream. Ten or fifteen years ago when the concept was still new people needed help and advice on how to manage their work environment and what devices they needed. Now workshifting is so common that we seldom even hear the term. It’s just how we work.

In any event, if you want a bit of advice on how to deal with cables, take a look at these two excellent articles.

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