A Video Tutorial for undo-tree

The other day I wrote about undo-tree and wished for a video on how to use it. Mike Zamansky came to the rescue with a very nice video expanation of undo-tree. Really, this package is extraordinarily useful and it’s nice to have an easy way to get started.

For me, at least, seeing the video helped illuminate some of the dark corners. Others, I know, would rather read an explanation and for them the nice commentary that I mentioned in the original blog post is the place to go. If you like to see things actually happening, you should definitely take a look at Zamansky’s video. It’s the 16th in a series of useful Emacs tutorials that he’s done. They’re all worth watching so take a look when you get a chance.

One interesting thing that Zamansky mentioned that I hadn’t considered is that you really don’t need redo—although that is much improved with undo-tree—because you can simply use undo-tree-visualize (bound to Ctrl+x u) to move down the undo tree to redo as much as you like. That’s a subtle but very useful point.

My advice is to watch Zamansky’s video and then read the commentary (or vice versa if that makes more sense for you) and you should be able to start using undo-tree efficiently. It’s definitely a package you want.

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