On Emacs Being an OS

Katherine Cox-Buday has a lovely 8-tweet long sequence in which she outlines how she uses Emacs to perform a periodic, tedious chore. It’s worth looking at to see if you can get some ideas from it. Here’s the last tweet in the sequence. (Click on the tweet to see the whole sequence.)

What struck me, though, is her remark that “So yes, it is an OS, but that’s a feature!” I’ve always taken that joke to be a comment about Emacs’ editor function not an indictment that you can reasonably compare Emacs to an OS. I’ve also taken it as a given that yes, of course, it’s a feature.

That may be because I yearn for a Lisp Machine and Emacs gives me some semblance of that. On the other hand, how can you not like the fact that Emacs can do so much? What do you think? Is the fact that Emacs is like an OS a bug or a feature? You already know my answer.

UPDATE [2016-09-16 Fri]: also → always.

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