Using Org Mode Displays for Presentations

If you’ve watched any of Howard Abrams’ excellent videos, you may have wondered, as others have, how he gets the nice effects when he displays Org buffers. Wonder no more. Abrams has posted an explanation of how he gets those effects. At the bottom of the post is an example of what the resulting display looks like.

He covers four improvements:

  • Hiding emphasis markers
    Instead of seeing /this is italics/, for example, you just see this is italics.
  • Better bullets
    In lists like this one, Org usually just uses ASCII characters for bullets. Abrams shows how to replace that with the more appropriate • character.
  • Better header bullets
    This change replaces the series of stars that mark headers with bullets of various sorts. This optimization requires the org-bullets package.
  • Better headers
    In this tip, Abrams shows how to have different sizes for the various levels of headers.

Of course, when you export an Org buffer most of these changes happen automatically so they’re mostly useful if you are using screen captures in a video or just want to have nicer looking Org buffers.

UPDATE [2016-04-12 Tue 13:08]: Karl Voit points to another excellent resource along the same lines.

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