Move Back to Last Misspelling

One of the handiest things I’ve learned from Pragmatic Emacs is using 【Ctrl+;】 to cycle through possible corrections for the last misspelled word. It’s especially handy because the point doesn’t have to be on or at the end of the word you want to correct. It can be after the word and other text as long as there are no intervening misspellings.

Ben Maughan is back with a related tip. Sometimes, flyspell can’t find the proper spelling and you need to fix things up by hand. If you’re still at the word, that’s easy but if the point is after the word you need to jump back to the typo to make the correction. Maughan gives us a bit of Elisp to do just that. It’s a small thing, of course, but as with all such micro-optimizations it makes our editing experience a bit more efficient and pleasant.

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