An Accidental Theme

Over at the Google+ Emacs Community, Quan Ta has an interesting post about an “accidental theme” that he discovered when he byte-compiled his .cask directory. He said it looked like the solarized-light theme but with colors that were a bit more lively.

I tried the solarized theme but didn’t like it because the colors seemed washed out to me and I found some of them hard to read. Thus I was interested to see what Ta’s theme looked like. A bit later, he posted a picture of it and I realized it was almost the same as my “theme.” I put theme in quotation marks because I just use the default light theme but with a background of oldlace.

So if you want to try an easy-to-set-up theme, just select the default light theme and add

(set-background-color "oldlace")
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(background-color . "oldlace"))

to your .emacs or init.el.

I like this theme better than anything else I’ve seen. Perhaps you will too.

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