Welcome to the Dark Side. We Have Macros

Jason Lewis over at Practical Elegance has an entertaining duo of posts on moving to Emacs. Like me, he was a long-time Vim user and when he moved to Emacs, he went all the way and didn’t use evil-mode. As he puts it, “Emacs is a deep, deep rabbit hole. The only way in is head first.”

Also like me, his motivation for taking up Emacs was Lisp. His particular Lisp is Clojure. After he discovered that other editors weren’t up to the task of dealing with Lisps effectively, he moved to Emacs and cider. That’s like slime but for Clojure.

In the second post he recounts discovering, as many of us have, that Emacs can seem much like an operating system. He began moving more and more of his workflow into Emacs. It’s a interesting set of posts and worth reading if you like to see how others came to and use Emacs.

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