Launching Emacs Features

Artur Malabarba has a nice riff on his toggling keymap that I wrote about here. This time he considers launching Emacs commands such as calc, ediff-buffers, man, shell, proced, and others. As Malabarba says, these are useful commands that you don’t use that often so it’s handy having a way of launching them with an easily remembered key sequence.

The idea is the same as it was for toggling modes. You create a key map attached to 【Ctrl+x l1 in such as way that the keys are intuitive and easy to remember. Thus 【Ctrl+x l c】 launches calc.

As with his toggling post, you will probably have different commands you want to bind to your keymap but his method is completely general. If you have commands that you rarely launch, you may find his post useful.



Or some other sequence such as 【Ctrl+c l】 if you’re worried about future conflicts.

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