Magit Tutorial

John Stevenson over at jr0cket has a nice Magit tutorial up. If you’re using Emacs and Git then you definitely need to check out Magit. I get mine from Melpa but the link above leads to the Git repository if you prefer.

Stevenson’s tutorial takes us through setting up an new project. After the initial files are created, Johnson starts things rolling with 【Meta+xmagit-init and then walks us through staging and committing files and, finally, creating an external repository. All this can be done from within Magit so there is little reason to fallback to the command line for most operations.

Happily, Johnson promises to write about some of more advanced features of Magit in later posts. I hope he follows through; based on the first in the series, it promises to be a useful introduction to Magit. There’s always the video and the manual, of course, but Johnson’s tutorial is a useful way to get up to speed easily.

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