Key-Chord Mode

One of my favorite Emacs Rocks! videos is #7, Mind Exploded, in which Sveen talks about key-chord mode. Right after I saw the video, I loaded key-chord-mode, wrote about it, and have been using it ever since. I’m mentioning it again because Eric Ritz recently posted about it.

Ritz’s post is an exhortation for Emacs users to give key-chord-mode a try. He mentions how he uses it and suggests some strategies for picking chords. You may or may not find his use cases and suggested chords compelling but you’re almost sure to find the mode itself very useful. You can see my own use cases and chords in my previous post about it and, of course, you should watch the Emacs Rocks! video for some more.

Although some Emacs users apparently are put off by the idea of key chords, I find the idea a huge win. I originally mapped jump-char-forward to 【Hyper+f】 and still maintain that mapping but after Sveen’s video I also mapped it to 【f g】, the chord he suggested. I can’t remember the last time I used 【Hyper+f】 because the chord is so much easier, faster, and natural.

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