Two From Phil

Regular reader and commenter Phil has made a couple of good observations in the comments of recent posts that I think are worth bringing to everyone’s attention. Since not everyone follows the comments, I decided to mention them in a separate post.

In the Naming Registers post, Phil mentions winner-mode and says that you’re really missing out if you don’t use it. When I replied that I had never understood the point of winner-mode, he explained further why it’s so useful. The basic idea is that it’s like Magnar Sveen’s Magit hack to restore your window configuration after quitting Magit but it works anyplace. I’m going to give it a try and will probably write up my impressions later.

In response to my More isearch Goodness post, Phil mentions that you can get extensive help—including all the available bindings—by typing 【Ctrl+h Ctrl+h】 while in isearch. That’s handy if you forget a key sequence or just to see what’s available.

Thanks to Phil for a couple of handy tips.

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